
How to Draw the Usa Plane Whaler Ship Featured in

Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he understands the concerns of parents who don't want their children listening to President Obama's school-time speech on education next week. But Perry said he's "certainly not going to advise anybody not to send their kids to school that day."

Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he understands the concerns of parents who don't want their children listening to President Obama's school-time speech on didactics side by side week. But Perry said he'due south "certainly non going to advise everyone not to send their kids to school that day."

( / Associated Press)

A planned back-to-school greeting from President Barack Obama challenging students to work harder has become the latest wink point in partisan politics, with critics accusing the president of trying to brainwash children.

The address from an Alexandria, Va., school will be televised at 9 a.m. PDT Tuesday on C-SPAN and beamed into classrooms across the state. It's the latest effort by a string of presidents to urge students to take responsibility for their education.

Only critics are accusing Obama of trying to peddle propaganda, and parents from Otay Mesa to Oceanside have called schools to ask whether their kids have to watch it.

They don't. Schoolhouse officials are telling parents they can keep their children from watching the speech — notifications more than typical in advance of sexual practice education lessons or in-class screening of R-rated movies.

Radio and TV talk evidence host Glenn Beck is charging that the voice communication is function of the administration's "indoctrination" of youth, adding that "they are capturing your kids."

Several offices and some campuses in the San Diego Unified School District accept received phone calls and e-mails from people opposed to televising the speech communication in form. Many calls appeared to be from the same people, said district spokeswoman Linda Zintz.

"This is definitely function of an organized nationwide movement to contact schoolhouse districts in opposition of this being shown in schools," Zintz said.

The president plans to speak directly to the nation'southward children about persisting and succeeding in their studies. His 15- to 20-minute message will challenge students to work difficult, set educational goals and have responsibility for their learning, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

Like his predecessor, President George West. Bush, Obama has been focusing on education reform in the early days of his presidency. Like Bush, Obama strongly supports the federal No Child Left Backside police. Didactics Secretary Arne Duncan is using the hope of billions of federal dollars for states that expand the number of lease schools and tie teacher pay to student functioning.

Many critics of Tuesday's speech are focusing on suggested lesson plans from the Department of Education.

A "menu of classroom activities" for elementary school students suggested by the department states that "teachers can build groundwork noesis of the president of the United States and his voice communication by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama."

Information technology also suggests that students ponder "what students could do to help in our schools," "what is the president trying to tell me" and "what is the president request me to exercise?"

Jim Kelly, a Grossmont Union High Schoolhouse District trustee who is active in the county Republican Party and commented on its behalf, said the speech communication is an example of politicizing the classroom.

He said the administration's online lesson plans originally suggested that students who lookout man the speech communication "write letters to themselves about what they can exercise to aid the president" merely were revised after the backlash began.

"The curriculum that the White House put out to become with this speech was something that you would await to find in Cuba or Democratic people's republic of korea where it creates a cult of personality," Kelly said.

Jim Greer, chairman of Florida's Republican Party, said he is "admittedly appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology."

Schoolhouse districts beyond the state accept been grappling with how to respond to complaints.

Poway has given parents until Tuesday morning to withdraw their children from watching the speech and participating in related classroom discussions. Students who opt out will be assigned supervised alternate lessons outside the classroom.

"We empathize that some families may not wish to accept their kid watch the president'due south speech at schoolhouse" and that students may do good most past watching it at home with family, wrote Poway Superintendent Don Phillips in a bulletin to parents.

Poway parent Meral DeMille said she's upset that the commune is giving parents the choice to opt out.

"The schoolhouse shouldn't convey the bulletin that this may possibly be controversial or that you don't take to listen to the president," DeMille said. "If he's going to be making policies that directly bear upon our children's futures, aren't they entitled to hear what his policies are directly from him?"

Escondido Union Superintendent Jennifer Walters recorded a message to be sent to parents last night to inform them that third- through eighth-course classes with televisions would prove the address. She also was preparing to inform parents that they tin proceed their kid from viewing the spoken communication by submitting a note to their teacher.

Obama would not be the commencement president to accost American students in a speech televised from a public schoolhouse. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush urged students to demand more of themselves in their studies. His voice communication was shown on CNN and broadcast on the radio.

Democrats at the fourth dimension attacked the speech equally political advertising and a waste of taxpayer money.

"If this is approached every bit a civics opportunity, I don't believe we would want to deny our students the opportunity to hear the president's speech on didactics problems," said Chula Vista Elementary spokesman Anthony Millican. "At the same time, we don't forcefulness it on anyone."


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