
Pokemon Black How to Get to Mistralton City

Jun 18, 2015 10:24:47 GMT -7

Post by Elemental Paradisity on Dec 6, 2015 15:46:55 GMT -7

"Strewn with Windblown Leaves!"

In the western reaches of the Unova Region, expertly and specifically placed between three mountain ranges to allow for the perfect winds and flying conditions, Mistralton City can be found as a hub for travel and cargo. Much like Castelia City being known for bringing in exports from around the world due to it's docks, Mistralton City takes care of any imports and exports that come by air with the Mistralton Runway. Small passenger planes and large cargo planes frequent the skies coming in and out from the city to deliver goods for the rest of the region, and because of the city's placement between three mountain ranges, any rain that comes from high above is filtered down to the ground below making for rich and healthy soil, so vegetables are a major export for Mistralton to grow and barter with.

{Mistralton City Gym (Click)}Skyla is the official Gym Leader of Mistralton City's Gym. She specializes in Flying-type Pokémon and she gives the Jet Badge to Trainers who defeat her. Skyla was born and raised in Mistralton around the exports and business of flight. Her grandfather was once a well known and 'legendary' pilot. He owned his own fleet of planes, and soon a full on airport. As he got older, he passed his business to Skyla which she very happily accepted. From a young age she was taught how to fly with planes and Pokemon of all types. She quickly became an expert pilot and flyer. Even with her airport and her constant flying, she was able to take over the Mistalton gym and hold down it's title. She quickly became best friends with Elesa and she is often seen spending time with her in her gym, going to runaways, or even flying her around. Skyla recently got in trouble and was spoken to by the League officials for her questionable battle methods, and almost removed from the league entirely. She use to tell the opponent to let out all their Pokemon, and have a mental battle with them. If she has the advantage or strongly believes she would win, she would deny to battle them and have the removed from her gym. If they had the advantage or looked stronger, she would simply give them her badge. After a serious talk with the officials, and strong advice with her grandfather, and Elesa... She resumed battling them, even if she believed she would win, or knew she would lose. Despite breaking the rules, Skyla is known to be fairly cheerful and nice. Win or lose, she often offers to take the opponent on a flight with her Pokemon.
Skyla's gym sits on the outskirts of the town, and in an airplane hanger they no longer use. The hanger has landing strips, and the challenger is forced to battle Winslow, Flynn, and Elron before even entering her gym. This way she can weed out those that she'd easily beat. Once inside the hanger the battle field can't be seen. Instead, It is a large open room with pathways that zig zag through the hanger, some leading up to a tall platform only to make it's way down tot he ground. Paths all the way across the hanger, with no real level playing field to battle on. Skyla will ask the opponent to let out all of their Pokemon, that can move on land, and make their way across the large path. The only trick is, massive wind turbines are scattered through out the hanger, pointing in all directions. Some below the paths, above, and all around. The challenger will have to make their way across with the massive wind tunnels, that create almost hurricane force winds, by any means necessary before Skyla will battle them. The walls, stairs, and very few guide rails are soft and padded in case they were to lose their footing, and Skyla and her Pokemon are always watching. They jump into action so no one gets really hurt, which hasn't happened yet. This is her way of proving if they are strong enough. After proving they can make it, Skyla will happily accept, taking them out to a landing strip behind the hanger. The actual battle field itself is very flat and open, making it easy to battle on.

{Gym Trainers (Click)}

Lv. 50
HP 380
Ability: Keen Eye- Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy and ignores boosts to opponent's evasion
Drill Run- 70
Drill Peck- 65
Assurance- 50 | Damage doubled if target has already taken damage in the same turn
Aerial Ace- 50 | Always hits

Lv. 53
HP 420
Ability: Keen Eye- Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy and ignores boosts to opponent's evasion
Mirror Move- Copies last move in battle
Feather Dance- Lowers target's attack by one stage
Steel Wing- 60 | Raises user's defense by one stage
Whirlwind- Forces opponent to randomly swap Pokemon


Lv. 52
HP 400
Ability: Insomnia- The Pokémon cannot fall asleep while having this ability
Hypnosis- Puts opponent to sleep
Dream Eater- 100 | Restores half damage dealt
Extrasensory- 70 | 5/8 chance of making target flinch
Air Slash- 65 | 5/8 chance of making target flinch

Lv. 54
HP 420
Ability: Guts- Attack is raised by three stages during a status infliction
Air Slash- 65 | 5/8 chance of making target flinch
Pluck- 50 | If the target is holding a Berry, the user eats it and gains its effect
Focus Energy- Next attack has a 1/3 chance of doing x2 damage
Brave Bird- 120 | User takes 1/3 recoil damage


Lv. 51
HP 400
Ability: Intimidate- Upon entering battle, the opponent's attack is lowered by one stage
Final Gambit- Damage equal to user's HP | User faints after use
Brave Bird- 120 | User takes 1/3 recoil damage
Aerial Ace- 50 | Always hits
Double Team- Raise evasiveness by one stage

Lv. 55
HP 440
Ability: Super Luck- Attacks have a 3/10 chance of doing double their raw damage
Air Slash- 65 | 5/8 chance of making target flinch
Air Cutter- 40
Facade- 50 | Double damage if target is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed
Swagger- Confuses target | Raises target's attack by two stages

{Leader Skyla (Click)}
Lv: 58
HP: 460
Gender: Female
Ability: Unaware: The foe's stat changes are ignored
Psychic- 100 | Lowers target's special defense by one stage


- Opposing gender opponents become infatuated
Acrobatics- 45 | Double damage if user is not holding an item
Steel Wing- 60 | Raises user's defense by one stage

Lv: 60
HP: 480
Gender: Female
Ability: Big Pecks- Prevents the Pokemon's defense from being lowered. However this Pokemon may lower its own defense with it's own attacks
Frustration- 110 | -5 damage per FP
Heat Wave- 80 | 1/3 chance of burn
Steel Wing- 60 | Raises user's defense by one stage
Air Slash- 65 | 5/8 chance of making target flinch

Lv: 62
HP: 500
Gender: Female
Ability: Magic Guard- This Pokemon will not take indirect damage from things like weather, poison, burn, curse, entry hazards, recoil damage, or leech seed
Psychic- 100 | Lowers target's special defense by one stage
Dazzling Gleam- 80
Air Slash- 65 | 5/8 chance of making target flinch

Mirror Move

- Copies last move in battle

Lv: 62
HP: 500
Gender: Female
Ability: Big Pecks- Prevents the Pokemon's defense from being lowered. However this Pokemon may lower its own defense with it's own attacks
Brave Bird- 120 | User takes 1/3 recoil damage
Dark Pulse- 80 | 5/8 chance of making the target flinch
Air Slash- 65 | 5/8 chance of making target flinch
Heat Wave- 80 | 1/3 chance of burn

Lv: 65
HP: 540
Gender: Male
Ability: Big Pecks- Prevents the Pokemon's defense from being lowered. However this Pokemon may lower its own defense with it's own attacks
Hurricane- 100 | 1/3 chance of confusion
Scald- 70 | 1/3 chance of burn
Ice Beam- 80 | 1/3 chance of freezing target
Steel Wing- 60 | Raises user's defense by one stage

Location of Mistralton City:

Connecting Routes to:
Celestial Tower, Icirrus City, Twist Mountain, Mistralton Cave, Chargestone Cave, Roshan City, Driftveil City

Pokemon Appearances:
- 7 RP posts are required, then roll an 8-sided dice. This will determine the Pokemon that appears. Then roll a 4-sided dice to determine level of the wild Pokemon.

Wild Pokemon:
1- Zangoose
2- Seviper
3- Watchog
4- Tranquill
5- Zebstrika
6- Deerling
7- Foongus
8- Cubchoo

Pokemon Levels:
1- 27
2- 28
3- 29
4- 30

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 0:33:49 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

In mere minutes, they were passing Cities before finally choosing one to land in. Julian quickly recalled Pidgeot and ducked into the Pokemon Center. "Oh heavens, what a storm!" Nurse Joy exclaimed. "Are you alright?!" She had never met this kid before, not heard word from her relatives about a Trainer making it this far, but that wasn't altogether strange. Some Trainers could move from place to place on the backs of other Pokemon. Perhaps he was one of them. Julian was soaked through. He had to find a way to get dry, change clothes - thank GOD his bag was water-proof.

He sent out Umbreon and Espeon, who were naturally angry at him.

"This needs to stop!" Espeon whined and huffed."Relax. I'm not happy about it either, but look around you. We're some place new - again." Umbreon tried to reason with the upset pink Pokemon. "That was so fast that he has to be flying on that big bird. We can't fly on the big bird, so he had no choice." Espeon huffed again, but said nothing. She had been put in her place.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 11/-

Posting for Trainer: 98/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 25/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 1/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Lvl 23
Hp - 180/180
Exp - 20/20
Ability - Pickup
Rollout - Increases for 5 turns (10, 20, 40, 60, 100)
Odor Sleuth - enables Ghost-Types to be hit with Normal- and Fighting-Types
Defense Curl - Raises user's Defense 1 stage
Tackle - 20



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  43/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 41
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 13/16
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 28/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 8/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 32
Hp - 210/210
Exp - 14/17
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 7/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 0:36:59 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Julian nodded to Nurse Joy, letting her know that he was just fine. She directed him to a private room where he could change. "It's been slow, I can see to it that your clothes get washed and dried if you like." She went off to fetch a clothes basket while he emptied his pockets and set them on the bedside table. She took his clothes away to the laundry room; he was now wearing his gym shorts and t-shirt again to be comfortable. He let everyone out to eat, but this time he put them all back into their Pokeballs after dinner. He didn't know what to expect with this storm and wanted to know everyone was safe.

Even so, he couldn't bare to be without his constant companions in the Eeveelutions, who as usual were curled up at the edge of his bed. He got under the covers, knowing that by morning he'd wake up to his clean clothes and a fresh start.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 12/-

Posting for Trainer: 99/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 26/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 2/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Lvl 23
Hp - 180/180
Exp - 20/20
Ability - Pickup
Rollout - Increases for 5 turns (10, 20, 40, 60, 100)
Odor Sleuth - enables Ghost-Types to be hit with Normal- and Fighting-Types
Defense Curl - Raises user's Defense 1 stage
Tackle - 20



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  44/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 41
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 14/16
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 29/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 9/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 32
Hp - 210/210
Exp - 15/17
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 8/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 0:43:21 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

That wasn't the case, however. The next morning they were not met with sunshine and chirping birds. If anything, the storm seemed to have gotten worse. Noctowl couldn't fly in this mess, and Julian couldn't ride Pidgeot without his help. He would be flying blind! No, he would have to stay here and wait for the storm to pass. Sitting up in bed with the rain slamming against the window and roof, he realized that he didn't even know where he was. Nurse Joy must have come some time in the night, because his clothes were laundered and folded, set on the bedside table. He got up and changed clothes, letting Umbreon and Espeon sleep in.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 13/-

Posting for Trainer: 100/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 2/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 3/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Lvl 23
Hp - 180/180
Exp - 20/20
Ability - Pickup
Rollout - Increases for 5 turns (10, 20, 40, 60, 100)
Odor Sleuth - enables Ghost-Types to be hit with Normal- and Fighting-Types
Defense Curl - Raises user's Defense 1 stage
Tackle - 20



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  45/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 41
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 15/16
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 30/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 10/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 32
Hp - 210/210
Exp - 16/17
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 9/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 1:01:43 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

He left the room with Umbreon and Espeon still asleep in bed, and went to check up on Quagsire. The Water-Type had apparently made a friend - another Quagsire had appeared in the tank overnight. What were the chances. He wondered who the Pokemon belonged to, but didn't want to bother Nurse Joy by asking. Oh well, it wasn't super important anyway. He would leave Quagsire with his new friend to dive in and out of the water playing games. He returned to his room to find that a cart full of bowls and food both Human and Pokemon alike had been set inside. Umbreon and Espeon were awake; naturally the smell of food would wake them up.

He set their bowls down so they could eat first, and moved the tray containing his food to the bedside table to eat later. He wanted to make sure all of his Pokemon ate their food first. Once the two Eeveelutions had been fed, they jumped back up onto the bed and watched their Trainer send out all of his other Pokemon two at a time to eat and be sent back. Finally, everyone had eaten but him. Julian lifted the tray and was immediately hit with the smell of bacon. His mouth watered and his stomach growled.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 14/-

Posting for Trainer: 101/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 3/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 4/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Lvl 23
Hp - 180/180
Exp - 20/20
Ability - Pickup
Rollout - Increases for 5 turns (10, 20, 40, 60, 100)
Odor Sleuth - enables Ghost-Types to be hit with Normal- and Fighting-Types
Defense Curl - Raises user's Defense 1 stage
Tackle - 20



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  46/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 41
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 16/16
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 31/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 11/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 32
Hp - 210/210
Exp - 17/17
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 10/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 1:13:27 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

With the heavy storm, Julian decided to get in some training. He went to explore the Pokemon Center, knowing that most had training rooms for days such as this, so dedicated Trainers didn't have to miss out on a day of training. Granted at this rate, Julian was worried it might be more than just a day. In truth, he didn't have any idea how long they might all be stuck there. Something flickered in his memory, something the Fighting-Type Gym Leader had told him about training.

He said that they should have a more hands on training regimen - even with Julian himself involved. That was great and all for someone who trained Fighting-Type Pokemon, but he didn't want to be seen smacking his Pokemon around. He would stay out of their training, he decided. Instead, they would pair up and battle. If they were hurt, then hey; at least there was a Pokemon Center nearby.

Typhlosion teamed up with Growlithe, and started teaching him how best to use Fire-Type moves. That was great in Julian's mind. Pidgeot and Noctowl were taking turns flapping their wings to send gusts of wind at one another - naturally Pidgeot's were a whole lot more effective and therefore frustrating the owl. That left Persian. At first, Julian didn't know how to help the big cat, but then he got an idea. Umbreon and Espeon, you two work together. Persian, I want you to try and avoid them." The room was very large, and they had plenty of room to move about. The chase was on.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 15/-

Posting for Trainer: 102/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 4/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 5/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Lvl 23
Hp - 180/180
Exp - 20/20
Ability - Pickup
Rollout - Increases for 5 turns (10, 20, 40, 60, 100)
Odor Sleuth - enables Ghost-Types to be hit with Normal- and Fighting-Types
Defense Curl - Raises user's Defense 1 stage
Tackle - 20



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  47/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 1/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 32/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 12/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 1/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 11/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 1:45:00 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

After about an hour of serious training with each other, the team was worn out. Julian recalled everyone - even Umbreon and Espeon. Then he handed all Pokeballs over to Nurse Joy who ran a check-up and did any healing that may have been required. He waited patiently on one of the available chairs, still not having seen hide-nor-hair of the other Pokemon Trainer. Unless he was sleeping the day away, wasn't it a bit strange to be cooped up in his or her room the entire time? Oh well, it wasn't his business to be honest.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 16/-

Posting for Trainer: 103/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 5/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 6/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  48/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 2/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 33/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 13/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 2/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 12/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 1:52:27 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Sitting in his room, Julian wondered if he would be able to have Noctowl connect his mind to the other Trainer, but then though about how weird that might be. Why was he so curious anyway, he didn't know the first thing about him or her other than they both had a Quagsire. The stranger's Quagsire wasn't in the tank when Julian came back to check up on Quagsire after their training, so he or she must have been out. Well, Quagsire seemed happy swimming about, so Julian decided to keep him there. Nurse Joy would likely be feeding Quagsire separately from his group, so he could stay as long as they were there if he wanted.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 17/-

Posting for Trainer: 104/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 6/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 7/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  49/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 3/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 34/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 14/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 3/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 13/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 1:59:05 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

That night, something unusual happened. The power went out. No wait, that wasn't unusual. It was storming heavily, and at least the backup generators kicked on. The light wasn't as bright as usual, but at least there was light still. They had already eaten dinner, but Julian was worried that without primary power they might not have a way to cook food for however much longer they are stuck in here. Most of the power had to be directed towards the Center's medical wing to keep any sick or dying Pokemon on their treatments or life support. "What now?!" Espeon and Umbreon were visibly distressed. After everything they had been through in the tower, Julian couldn't say he blamed them.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 18/-

Posting for Trainer: 105/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 7/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 8/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp -  50/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 4/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 35/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 15/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 4/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 14/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 2:09:27 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Julian went out into the Pokemon Center, and didn't see Nurse Joy anywhere. He couldn't exactly call out, so he was't sure what to do. Umbreon and Espeon were looking around as well, they didn't even hear the Nurse. It was as if the entire Center was abandoned; silent aside from the rain on the roof. Julian spotted something out of the corner of his eye, so he turned to look at the front door. He jumped when Nurse Joy came quickly through the front door. She took off her rain coat and hung it by the door. "It's mad out there, something's messed with the power and I can't figure it out. Would you mind taking a look?" In that, was she crazy? Most Trainers would have refused, but Julian sighed and nodded his head. Fine, it wasn't like anyone else was around to try and help.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 19/-

Posting for Trainer: 106/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 8/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 9/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  1/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 5/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 36/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 16/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 5/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 15/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 2:24:30 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Donning the Nurse's rain coat, ashamed to admit that it fit, he sluggishly walked out the front doors. He chose to leave his bag behind, and bring only one Pokemon with him. Once outside the doors, Julian sent out Pidgeot to stand watch and accompany him.  Rounding the building, he stumbled through the storm around back with Pidgeot pitt-patting his giant birdie feet through the puddles. That was the problem, a Joltik had climbed inside and attached itself to the power box to escape the storm and drain the electricity. Julian opened the box, and a powerful gust of wind from Pidgeot's wings sent the bug scurrying away.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 20/-

Posting for Trainer: 107/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 9/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 10/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  2/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 6/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 37/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 17/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 6/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 16/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 10:21:39 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

It would take a while for the power to build back up, so he returned to the darkened interior of the Pokemon Center to sit through the wait; the race for the storm to break or the power to return. Hopefully both. He sat down on his bed and started leafing through his Pokedex  while Umbreon and Espeon laid down on the bed with him. This was their usual spot. He sighed and tossed the Pokedex onto the bedside table. He started to think about other things, like how he'd never been able to come up with a good enough nickname for the pair of Eeveelutions. Maybe now that he was a Trainer, and had all of this experience, he should give it another try.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 21/-

Posting for Trainer: 108/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 10/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 11/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  3/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 7/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 38/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 18/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 7/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 17/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 10:35:06 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

First, he looked at Espeon. She was elegant and graceful, but that wasn't to be confused; she could be stubborn when she wanted to be. Sassy? No, that was too prissy even for her. He could go with something generic like Essie, or Miss S, but that didn't really appeal to him either. He wanted something that fit her just right as an individual. However, being unable to think of anything just yet, he decided to leave it be.

With the failed attempt at Espeon's name, it wouldn't be right to only name Umbreon. However, he decided to give it a shot. Maybe finding his true name would help their Trainer name her. He was just as elegant, but in a different way. He was dark and calm while she was light and excitable. They couldn't be more opposite, yet they were the best of friends. Most Umbreon Trainers named their Pokemon Shadow, or Night. That was far too obvious and not nearly creative enough. His mind just couldn't click to that right name and it was very annoying to him.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 22/-

Posting for Trainer: 109/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 11/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 12/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  4/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 8/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 39/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 19/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 8/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 18/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 10:54:13 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Oh no! He just remembered that he hadn't returned Nurse Joy's rain coat. He grabbed it off the hook by the door and ran it down to the main floor. She seemed appreciative, but he wasn't focused enough to read her lips. His mind was on other things. On his way back up to his room, he checked in on Quagsire. How strange... the second Quagsire was back. Well, another night having fun was just an extended vacation, so Julian returned to his room and turned in early.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 23/-

Posting for Trainer: 110/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 12/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 13/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  5/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 9/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 40/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 20/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 9/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 19/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 13, 2016 17:30:23 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

It was anyone's guess whether the storm would pass, as well as whether or not the power would return to the building. According to the reactions of his two Pokemon, someone was at the door. He got up and went to see just who it was. It was Nurse Joy. "With all this rain, fishing will be great. Why don't you take these fishing rods. They were left behind by a Trainer a couple weeks ago." Julian had never fished before a day in his life, but it wasn't smart to say never. He gratefully accepted the gifts.

He would have to figure out how best to carry them with him, but for now he simply set the fishing rods in the corner of the room.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 24/-

Posting for Trainer: 111/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 13/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 14/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  6/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 10/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 41/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 39
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 21/27
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 10/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 20/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 14, 2016 21:15:35 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Umbreon and Espeon had both laid down to take a nap. They both managed to ignored the crashing thunder, lulled to sleep by the pattering of rain on the roof. Julian was seated on the edge of the bed, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees and his hands rubbing his temples. This was somewhat stressful because he hoped he'd be competing for his seventh badge by now. All of his Pokemon were out of their Pokeballs and hanging out around the room, but a head count revealed that someone was missing. How was that possible with the door closed? He got up and looked around the room, under the bed, in the closet, but Growlithe was nowhere to be found.

Through Noctowl's psychic connection to everyone in the room, Julian could communicate with everyone.

"Stay here, I'll be back." He slipped through the door, closing it behind him. He didn't want anyone else to wander off while he was gone.

Meanwhile, Growlithe was walking through the Center, looking around for something exciting to do. Laying around in that room might have been good enough for the others, but adventure is out there somewhere! He was determined to find it. He walked down a dimly lit corridor, stopping suddenly at a sound further down.

"Hello...?" He called out nervously."GO AWAY!" A Pokemon screamed, hissing at Growlithe. It swiped one paw, trying to threaten the fire pup or to scare him off. He wasn't having any of it. He wasn't even being rude! What a way to react... so, he fought back using Close Combat. Just like that, the giant rat was down, and Growlithe was back on the hunt for adventure. What would he find next? Well, hopefully he'd figure out how that creature got inside of the Pokemon Center.

Growlithe used Close Combat (-240, 0/210)
Watchog has fainted!
Growlithe receives 11 exp.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 18/-

Posting for Trainer: 112/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 14/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 15/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  7/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 11/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 42/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 6/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 11/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 21/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 15, 2016 19:12:12 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Even though it was sort of dark in the hallways, reminding Julian of a Horror movie set in a hospital, he had a mission. He had to find his Pokemon before he got into any trouble; before anything bad could happen to or because of him. Now that he was out here alone, he found himself wishing that some of his other Pokemon had come along with him. Umbreon and Espeon, or Persian. It was anyone's guess where Growlithe had gotten off to, and he didn't know what to expect when he finally did find his Pokemon. Needless to say, he wasn't very happy about this outing.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 19/-

Posting for Trainer: 113/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 15/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 16/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  8/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 12/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 43/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 7/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 12/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 22/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 16, 2016 1:54:45 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Julian bumped into Nurse Joy, who had just emerged from the room to his side. She jumped and placed a hand over her heart. "Oh, you startled me." He could just make out her lips and the words they formed in the low light. "What's wrong?" She could clearly see the distress on his face. "Oh, sorry. I forgot you can't exactly tell me what's bothering you." She lead him to the back where he could see better; the emergency lights were focused on the medical wing. There she handed him a piece of paper and a pen. He'd left his behind in the room.

There he began to write down on the loose page.

'Growlithe has gone missing, and I'm worried that he'll get himself into trouble.' She read over the words, mouth silently forming them as she went. That in itself wasn't very strange, he'd seen plenty of people mouth the words while reading his notes over the years.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 20/-

Posting for Trainer: 114/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 16/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 17/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  9/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 13/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 44/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 8/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 13/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 23/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 18, 2016 21:48:50 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

She looked up at the paper, seemingly distracted by her own thoughts. "You know, I was down that hallway because I thought I heard something unusual." She took a seat behind the receptionist's desk and glanced at the black computer screen. If it were working, the security cameras could have lead them in the right direction. It seemed like everything was working against them. "I wonder if I didn't hear Growlithe down there somewhere." Julian jotted down a quick thanks and then returned to his room. He collected some items, as well as Persian's Pokeball. Surprisingly, Umbreon and Espeon were still 'out like a light'.

Persian's feet were silent as they moved down another dark hall, they all looked so much alike and he was surprised to learn that Pokemon Centers were larger on the inside than they appeared. Persian's ability to see in low light came in handy, but Julian was concerned that her dislike for the pup could work against him. What if she lead him astray intentionally? He couldn't think like that, he had to trust his Pokemon.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 21/-

Posting for Trainer: 115/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 17/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 18/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  10/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 14/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 45/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 9/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 14/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 24/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 18, 2016 21:58:22 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

"You know, I say we just leave him. Let him run off, he's sort of annoying anyway."
Of course she knew that Julian couldn't hear her. His duo of Eeveelutions had made that very clear to everyone from their first day. That didn't stop her from running her mouth - in fact, it seemed to encourage her to do so. She paused, sitting and licking her right paw before running it over her face. Julian had gotten about ten feet further down the hall before he realized she wasn't following.

What good was she, he only brought her in case there was danger, or she could follow his scent. For that matter, he wasn't even sure cats could do that like dogs could. He might have been better off bringing along one of his other Pokemon. He snapped his fingers, hoping it would draw her attention and bring her back to his side. She didn't seem happy about that, grumbling as she returned.

"Snapping your fingers at me, I aught to bite them off..." She was all talk, and all attitude however.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 22/-

Posting for Trainer: 116/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 18/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 19/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  11/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 15/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 46/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 10/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 15/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 25/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 18, 2016 22:14:14 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

"What's that?"
Growlithe called out. He stared down the dark path for nearly a minute, not moving an inch himself. "Who's there?" He knew he was no longer alone, but he couldn't tell who... or what, was with him. So help him if it was another rat problem... "I'm warning you, I am a master Fire-Type and I will not hesitate to burn you." Talking big? Sure, but who didn't do that these days. It's all about the biggest and baddest dog in the park - they were in charge, they got the treats and the bones while everyone else got...

No, this wasn't the time to reminisce about the past. Especially not while he had unwanted company.

"Well, aren't you a pretty little puppy." That voice... that was Human. He turned and peered into the shadows and saw... nothing. "The Boss'd like you; and here I thought this trip was going to be a complete waste." This time, it was coming from the other way. He turned again, suddenly there was a figure walking towards him. The closer he got, the more he could see - like the emblazoned scarlet R on the chest of his black uniform.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 23/-

Posting for Trainer: 117/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 19/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 20/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  12/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 16/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 47/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 11/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 16/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 26/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 18, 2016 22:28:03 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Growlithe readied to attack whatever Pokemon this stranger sent out into battle, he could feel the heat in his mouth already. That is, until the Man pulled out a metal object. With a flick of his wrist, the baton extended, and he advanced. Before Growlithe could even use his Fire-Type attacks, he felt himself struck with the hard metal object. He whimpered out in pain and tried to turn to run when he was struck again. "No, please... no more." He begged the Man, but still the third strike came. Growlithe only laid there, afraid to move again lest he be hit with the metal rod.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 24/-

Posting for Trainer: 118/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 20/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 21/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  13/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 42
Hp - 320/320
Exp - 17/17
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 48/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 12/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 17/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 27/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 18, 2016 22:40:51 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Growlithe woke in the confines of a steel cage. He looked around the room in which he was held captive and was overwhelmed with how similar it was to his Trainer's. 'Of course they are alike, they are in the same place'. He thought to himself. The Quagsire standing nearby may have been what threw him off. He didn't realize there was more than one running around, but there was no mistaking the subtle differences between this Quagsire's angry features when compared to Julian's Quagsire, who always seemed content and care-free. "Where am I?" He asked, hoping the Quagsire wasn't nearly as mean as he looked.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 25/-

Posting for Trainer: 119/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 21/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 22/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  14/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 43
Hp - 330/330
Exp - 1/18
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 49/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 13/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 33
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 18/18
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 28/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 18, 2016 22:51:21 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

Their search turned up nothing, and Julian was becoming more worried by the second. With the help of his Pokemon, he'd defeated a legendary Pokemon for crying out loud! This should not be happening. Heck, weren't Growlithe supposed to always be at their Trainer's side? Why did he get the one Growlithe in probably all of the world, that liked to wonder off and explore on his own? Was he not providing enough adventure or entertainment for his Pokemon? All these questions and more went thorugh his mind, but all he could do was focus on one problem at a time.

He sighed and returned to the front desk. Reaching for the same piece of paper, he began to jot down another question for the helpful Nurse.

'Who else is here?'

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 26/-

Posting for Trainer: 120/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 22/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 23/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  15/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 43
Hp - 330/330
Exp - 2/18
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 44

Hp - 330/330

Exp - 50/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 14/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 34
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 1/19
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 29/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Feb 1, 2016 22:09:39 GMT -7

Post by The Red Princess on Nov 19, 2016 2:51:41 GMT -7

Julian Malcolm

She looked confused for a moment, but then something clicked in her mind. "There is one other Trainer here, but..." She paused, which made him that much more confused. He gave her a look that said 'well?' She sighed. "He gave me the creeps to be honest. I wanted to put him out of my mind as soon as possible." So, the owner of that second Quagsire might have had something to do with Growlithe's disappearance. Julian stormed away in search of his room, Nurse Joy hurrying from behind the counter to keep up with him and try to stop him. Her words fell on deaf ears. "You really shouldn't, I insist. We  have no proof he's done anything wrong! You can't just barge in..." She was cut off by Persian, who jumped down from a vacant stretcher left out in the hallway. So that's where she'd gotten off to.

- Backpack -

Items - Pokeball (x), Ultra Ball, Potion (x), Full Restore (2), Revive (4), Max Revive (3), Lava Cookie (3), Blue Flute, Questionable Drink, Fire Stone.

Hold Items - Rocky Helmet, Safety Goggles, Wide Lens.

Key Items - Pokedex, Vs Seeker, Old Rod, Good Rod, Great Rod.

TM Case - HM02 Fly, HM03 Surf, TM02 Dragon Claw, TM31 Brick Break, TM36 Sludge Bomb, TM45 Attract, TM76 Struggle Bug, TM91 Flash Cannon (2).

Posting for wild Pokemon: 27/-

Posting for Trainer: 121/25

Posting for Ultra Ball: 23/25
Posting for Cover Fossil: 24/50


Zephyr Badge.png Hive Badge.png Plain Badge.png Fog Badge.png Storm Badge.png Mineral Badge.png

Outside of Pokeball:

-Out of Party-


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Male

Ability - Synchronize ( When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed or burned, so does the opponent)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Dark Pulse - 80, 5/8 chance to cause flinch

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy


Lvl - 7

Hp - 50/50

Exp - 1/17

Gender - Female

Ability - Magic Bounce (Any status lowering effects, status ailments, spikes, or other non damaging effects will bounce back to the Target)

Shadow Ball - 80, Lowers Target's Sp.Def 1 stage

Hyper Beam - 150, User cannot attack next turn

Tail Whip - Lowers Target's Defense

Sand Attack - Lowers Target's Accuracy



(Zoom Lens)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp -  16/50

Gender - Male

Ability - Blaze (When HP drops below 1/3, Fire-Type attacks do x1.5 their damage)

Earthquake -

Fire Blast - 100, 1/3 chance to burn

Smokescreen - Lowers Target's Accuracy

Wild Charge - 80, 1/4 recoil


Lvl - 43
Hp - 330/330
Exp - 3/18
Gender - Male
Ability - Keen Eye
Fly - 80, 2 turn attack
Sand Attack - Lowers Target's accuracy
Feather Dance - Lowers Target's attack
Wing Attack - 40

(Power Herb)

Lvl - 45

Hp - 340/340

Exp - 1/50
Gender - Male

Ability - Keen Eye (Prevents accuracy loss and ignores boost to Opponent's evasion)

Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep

Dream Eater - 100, restores half damage dealt

Sky Attac k - 120, 2 turn attack, 6/8 chance of causing flinch

Psychic - 100, lowers Target's Special Defense one stage

Lvl - 40
Hp - 300/300
Exp - 15/28
Gender - Male
Ability - Intimidate

Flamethrower - 80, 1/3 chance to burn
Close Combat - 120, lowers User's Sp.Def 1 stage
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Reversal - Max Hp - current Hp = damage done


Lvl - 34
Hp - 260/260
Exp - 2/19
Gender - Female
Ability - Technician
Hypnosis - Puts Opponent to sleep
Bite - 45, 3/8 chance to make the Target flinch
Power Gem - 60
Thunder - 100, 1/3 chance to cause Paralysis


Lvl - 33

Hp - 260/260
Exp - 30/39

Gender - Male

Ability - Unaware (The foe's stat changes are ignored)

Slam - 80

Scald - 70, 1/3 chance to burn

Blizzard - 100, 1/3 chance to freeze

Surf - 80

Off with his head!

Pokemon Black How to Get to Mistralton City


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